Laser Hair Removal in Long Island
Laser Hair Removal
With the latest technology, our Cutera laser with dual wavelength, allows for treatment on ALL skin tones and ethnicities. Each session is designed for safe, effective, and quality treatments. Our laser treatments will not be your typical in and out session, we set aside ample time for you to receive a relaxing experience. A laser consultation is required to ensure you are a candidate and for you to receive a quality treatment. Get ready for hairless skin!
Am I a candidate for laser hair removal?
Our lasers target pigment in the hair follicle and can treat dark coarse hair or dark fine hair. Laser hair removal does not treat blonde, white, gray and some shades of red hair. Our Cutera laser can treat people of any skin tone or ethnicity. Laser hair removal cannot be performed on pregnant women.
Small Areas
8 Sessions $880 | 10 Sessions $1000 | 12 Sessions $1080
Upper Lip
Hands & Fingers
Feet & Toes
Belly Line
Medium Areas
8 Sessions $1880 | 10 Sessions $2250 | 12 Sessions $2580
Bikini Line
Inner Thigh
Jawline + Cheek
Lower Arms
Full Belly Line
Upper Arms
Neck (Back)
Inner Buttocks
Large Areas
8 Sessions $2880 | 10 Sessions $3500 | 12 Sessions $4080
Lower Back
Upper Legs
Upper Back
Full Face
Brazilian & Bikini
Lower Legs
Front Neck/Beard
Cheeks / Half Neck
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes! We have both YAG and ALEX wavelengths, which are safe for all skin tones and ethnicities.
The procedure works by slowing the growth capacity of hair follicles that are in the active growth cycle at the time of treatment. The laser targets the darkness/ melanin pigment in the hair follicle in order to reach and destroy the root bulb of the hair. Since the hair follicle is connected to the root bulb only during the growth phase of the hair, the laser must target the hair follicle during this cycle. Several treatments are necessary to disable most of the follicles in a particular area due to the hair growth cycles at different times. -
Results are unique to each individual. Typically, 8-12 treatments are recommended, but it may be more or less.
Our lasers use a special cooling system that lowers the temperature of the skin at the treatment site before, during, and after laser exposure. Therefore, the treatment is generally not painful and is well tolerated. The treatment sensation can be described like the snap of a rubber band.
This varies depending on the body area, but generally, it is best to wait 4-8 weeks between treatments. There is no advantage to scheduling your visits closer together even if you do not see immediate results. The laser only targets hair in the growth phase which is generally in 4-8 weeks.
Results varies with each individual. Studies have shown that many clients can achieve hair reduction up to 85-90% and remaining hair returns lighter and softer.
There is no recovery or down time. Client can return to their normal activities immediately. After the treatment you may experience a slight reddening of the skin similar to a sunburn that will resolve within a few hours to days.
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